Thoughts on life and faith from the staff and students of the Baseline High School Youth Group...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

10 Things We Wish We Knew in High School

Top Ten Things We Wish We Had Known in High School
(In case you missed this on Sunday, or just want to see it again)

1. It goes by quickly. I remember thinking that High School would never end. I literally thought I would be there forever. I wasn't.

2. Make good friends; the kind who love you for you you are not what you can do for them. Life High school is too short to hang out with people who aren't real friends.

3. Get involved... but not in everything. If you don't love student government, don't do it just because you think it will look good on a college application or because all of your friends are doing it. Have your priorities and stick to them. It's better to do well in a few things than okay in a bunch of things.

4. Serve others. Life isn't about what you can do for yourself. Look for little and big ways you can serve your friends and classmates at school and those in need in your community. Don't do it just for the credit, do it because you have been blessed and want to bless others in return.

5. Don't skip church (if you don't have to). I know this is expected coming from a youth pastor but seriously, there is a reason that the Bible tells us not to forsake meeting with other believers. We need each other to support and encourage each other. Even if it means coming to church in your bright orange soccer uniform before a game (like I did frequently in high school, don't judge, it was cool), or spending your Saturday afternoon doing homework instead of napping. It's worth it, I promise.

6. Popularity is relative. Just because someone is in the "popular group" doesn't mean they are necessarily the most well liked or the nicest people. It mostly means people know who they are, which isn't always a good thing. If you are a friendly person, get involved in your school and treat others around you with respect, by the time you leave, you will soon be well known too, and for all the right reasons.

7. Grades are important but they aren't everything. Believe it or not no one ever asks be today what my GPA in high school, (much to my dismay). Yes, getting goods grades will be important for college applications and scholarships, but being well balanced and healthy is most important. Do your best, that's all you can ask for.

8. Really, Do Your Best. When I say "do your best," that is different for everyone, but everyone knows when they are putting in their best effort and when they are not. This is why I emphasize priorities, if you can't give your best you are probably doing too much... balance, balance, balance.

9. Be nice to your parents. They work hard to make sure you have everything you need to succeed in life. They also probably did not major in parenting in college. They are learning how to be the best parent to a teenager they can be while you are learning how to be a teenager. Give them some slack and be thankful for what they do, even if you don't really understand it all right now. You will understand someday and you will be glad for the times you were grateful.

10. Make your relationship with God a top priority. I don't care if it means have 15 minutes less to curl your hair in the morning, or going to bed 30 minutes later than you'd prefer (which also might result in have less time to do your hair in the morning... poor hair). Spend time reading God's word and praying. It makes a difference in your attitude and your outlook on life.

And since we're talking about high school, here is a throw back picture of me in high school. It still feels like just yesterday, but I can tell that time has passed from the little baby fat cheeks I still have in this picture.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Girls Retreat Highlights!

The Girls Retreat was a couple of weeks ago and we wanted to see what some of the favorite parts were for the girls who went! Here is what our girls said about the retreat:
1. What was you favorite part of the girls retreat?

  • Hanging out with everyone and watching tangled
  • It was a fun getaway
  • Spending time with all of the girls and getting closer to them

2. What is one thing you learned?

  • To be yourself
  • That God really does have a plan for my life!
  • That to find a real good guy who's gunna treasure you u should let him come and pursue you so he sees your worth the time and work < cuz we all are >

3. Name one funny memory you don't want to forget from the weekend.

  • Watching Sam and Simone get all down and boogie when i was to shy lol
  • Dancing when no one else would with Simone!! :)
  • Watching Hawk Nelson :):)

4. Was there any specific song lyric or quote that stuck our to you? If so, what was it and why?

  • The Heaven exercise that Jenna Lucado Bishop did.
  • Just about everything that Chad said, it was good to hear about what guys think
  • When hawk nelson yelled out nose bleed to see if ppl would scream at whatever he would yell???? =)=)

Well we had a fun time! If you couldn't make it this year, hopefully you can next time! Thanks for your input girls!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Holy Week

As you all know, this week is the week leading up to Easter, otherwise known as Holy Week. Here at Baseline we have a few events this week to help us really understand the meaning of this week and prepare to celebrate Jesus' resurrection on Sunday. Here are a few of those events:

Maundy Thursday Service

Good Friday Service

Easter Sunday
Sunrise Service 6:30am
Easter Service 10:00am

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dream On Grils Weekend Sign Ups are OPEN!

Baseline Girls!

Sing ups are officially open for the Dream On Girls Weekend April 15th-17th.

The cost is only $35 but spots are limited so make sure you sign up ASAP.

You won't want to miss this fun weekend with all of the wonderful baseline ladies!

If you didn't see the promo video for Revolve you can watch it by clicking HERE.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Night of Champions!

Night Of Champions is just around the corner! This is an awesome and fun event hosted at APU! It includes In n Out burgers, great music and awesome speakers! Here is the info:

Saturday March 19th 4-9pm

We'll meet here at the church at 4:00pm and be back here by 9:00pm.

$10 (includes T-shirt, Bible, In-N-Out meal, and all entertainment)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Girls Retreat Teaser Video April 15th-17th

Here's the promo video for the girls retreat coming up April 15th-17th!
More information to come, you don't want to miss out!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Super Bowl Party!

We're having a Super Bowl party this weekend!!!
315 Roughrider Rd. in La Verne!

Bring your favorite snack and enjoy others favorites too!
You don't want to miss this!